الارشيف / عرب وعالم / بالبلدي

ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC، Bühler Group، and IBC Group Ink Cooperation Agreement to Localize Grain Silos Industry in Egypt

The agreement highlights ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC's commitment to expanding its industrial base

•      Eng. Ahmed El Sewedy: "By localizing strategic industries، strive to unlock avenues for exports، further solidifying Egypt's position in the regional food security landscape.”

•      Mr. Samuel Schär: "Combining ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC's established strength with Bühler's state-of-the-art solutions، our efforts will unveil innovative solutions.”

•      Eng. Akram Khreis: "Driven by a shared vision of enhancing efficiency and expanding reach، this endeavor will contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector."

 ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC (EE)، a leading provider of integrated energy، infrastructure، and digital solutions، has signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Swiss technology company Bühler Group and IBC Group (IBC). This promising partnership is geared towards localizing the Grain silos manufacturing in Egypt، enhancing food security and contributing to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector.

The agreement highlights ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC's commitment to expanding its industrial base by leveraging its expertise in collaboration with renowned Global technology partners. ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC and IBC will spearhead these initiatives، with Bühler Group providing cutting-edge technology، technical support، and research and development expertise.

Nationalizing basic industries

The signing ceremony witnessed the attendance of delegates from Bühler Group، led by Mr. Samuel Schär an Executive Board Member and Chief Service & Sales Officer. Joining them was a delegation from IBC، helmed by their CEO، Eng. Akram Khreis. Noteworthy among the attendees was Eng. Ahmed El Sewedy، CEO and President of ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC (EE)، along with key members of EE's Infrastructure leadership team.

"Our alliance with Bühler Group and IBC underscores our dedication to nationalizing basic industries while drawing upon the invaluable knowledge of international companies،" stated Eng. Ahmed El Sewedy - CEO and President of ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC (EE). "By localizing strategic industries like grain silos، we strive to foster deeper manufacturing of components، and ultimately replacing imports with domestic production. Furthermore، this synergy will unlock avenues for exports، further solidifying Egypt's position in the regional food security landscape.”

"Bühler Group is delighted to work hand in hand with ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC on this groundbreaking initiative،" commented Samuel Schär، Executive Board Member and Chief Service & Sales Officer of Bühler. "Combining ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC's established strength in industrial and infrastructure solutions with Bühler's state-of-the-art solutions، our efforts will unveil unprecedented opportunities to spearhead innovative solutions and make substantial strides forward.”

Highlighting the accolade's strategic benefit for the agricultural sector، Eng. Akram Khreis، CEO of IBC Group (IBC)، stated "This partnership is driven by a shared vision to enhancing the efficiency، effectiveness، and resilience of grain storage and management systems. Ultimately، this endeavor aims to contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector and ensure food security for both current and future generations."

The signing of this Cooperation Agreement marks another significant milestone in ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC's ongoing contribution to the agricultural sector، underscoring the company’s unwavering devotion to food security and resilience، particularly in Egypt and Africa.

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